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Stock No 7128  Size: 4'.00 x 6'.00"

Pakistani Bokhara rug

SKU: 7128
  • Size: 4'.00 x 6'.00"

    Bokhara’s interest to the carpet lover lies in its importance as the principal market place for the output of the whole of the Turkoman tribal areas. 

    The name Bokahara has long been used to indicate any rug in the Tekke design although the production area was always hundred of miles away. Today the description is further extended to include such items as Pakistan Bokahras. 

    Modern Russian Bokahras are made mainly in Ashkabad and a string of small towns reaching across to the Caspian Sea, and in the Merv (Mary) oasis on the river Murghab. Some of the noteworthy features of the modern Russian production are the use of attractive rich dark green and medium dark blue in small quantities in the Tekkes and elsewhere- indeed richness and warmth of color in general. All sizes are made, although the output of pieces over 4 m2 (43 ft2) is small; carpets are often long and narrow. All carpet sizes are more expensive per square meter than rug sizes.

Presented by Antique Rug Connection   The Mill At Your Door

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